Using AutoFill to Speed Up Excel Office Scripts

Kyle Gibson
5 min readFeb 7, 2023


A couple of weeks ago, I published an article about writing an Office Script in Excel:

Write Your First Office Script in Excel | by Kyle Gibson | Jan, 2023 | Medium

It was a basic example, showing how to loop through each row, applying the SUM function to each row during the iteration. Because our example had such few rows, there were no performance issues.

However, what if we have a large number of rows? Looping through each row could take much longer that we would like. Consider example data similar to the first article, except with 2500 rows this time:

Sample data to sum two columns with 2500 rows

Running the same script, to iterate through each row and sum them together one at a time, took approximately 15 seconds. That will most likely vary for you depending on different factors, but it’s clear that looping through each row won’t be very efficient as our dataset grows larger.

Let’s look at a more efficient way to accomplish the same thing.

Note: This article assumes that you have the Automate tab available in Excel. See the article linked above for how to find it if you don’t see it.

Step 1: Create the sample data to add two columns of numbers

I used the RANDBETWEEN function in Excel to generate my two columns of numbers, i.e. RANDBETWEEN(0,10). I generated 2500 rows of numbers for this example but you can do however many you want.

Sample data to sum two columns with 2500 rows

Step 2: Create a new script

Navigate to Automate > New Script. It should pull up an empty script like this:

New blank Office Script

If you want to change the name of this script, click into the field labeled Script 1 in my example above, and change it to whatever you prefer. For this example, I named mine Example Autofill:

Renamed blank script to Example Autofill

Make sure to select Save script. Next, we will add some code to it.

Step 3: Add code to the main function

I’ve added comments in each step of this code to explain how it works. Update your script to reflect like the following:

function main(workbook: ExcelScript.Workbook) {
// Step 1:
// Get your sheet object
let sheet =

// Step 2:
// Get amount of used rows in the first column,
// and then offset that by two columns to the right,
// so that we get the full range of cells where we need a total
let total_column =
.getOffsetRange(1, 0)
.getOffsetRange(0, 2)

// Step 3:
// Set your SUM formula in the first cell only in the Total column
.setFormula("=SUM($A2, $B2)")

// Step 4
// Apply an autofill to the whole total column,
// based on the formula in the first cell in the Total column
.autoFill(total_column, ExcelScript.AutoFillType.fillDefault);

As you can see, we are not looping through each row but rather utilizing the AutoFill capability of Excel to populate the Total column.

In my opinion, the most crucial part to understand in the code is Step 2 where we are using Offsets and UsedRanges. These are crucial functions in selecting the range for the Total column that needs to be AutoFilled.

Let’s analyze how that step works.

Step 4: Explanation of Step 2 in the Script

Step 2 in our Office Script contains this code:

let total_column =
.getOffsetRange(1, 0)
.getOffsetRange(0, 2

Here’s how it works:

sheet: We are starting with the sheet object defined in the beginning of the script.

.getRange(“A1”): We select the range for a single cell (A1) in the first column:

sample data highlighting cell A1

.getEntireColumn(): We select the entire first column (A):

sample data highlighting entire column A

.getUsedRange(): We select only the rows that are used in the first column:

sample data highlighting cells used in column A

.getOffsetRange(1, 0): We move our selection down 1 row, so that we don’t include the header row. Note that it still keeps the size of the range, so we have an empty row at the bottom:

sample data highlighting cells used in column A, but moved down 1 row to not include header row

.getUsedRange(): We again select only the rows that are used in the first column, without the header row and without the blank row from the previous step:

sample data highlighting cells used in column A, but moved down 1 row to not include header row and excluding blank row from previous step

.getOffsetRange(0, 2): We move our selection 2 columns to the right.

sample data highlighting cells used in column C without header row

And that’s it for how Step 2 in the code works. We have now selected the Total column range that needs to be AutoFilled with the SUM formula from cell C2. These concepts will be very useful in your Office Script development.

Step 5: Save and run your script

Make sure to save your script, and then run it:

screenshot of full script, with save script and run buttons highlighted

After running, I can see that my formula correctly AutoFilled to the last row:

sample data showing the total formula populated in cell C2500

Not only are the totals populated…

Full totals populated for sample data

…but it also worked extremely fast. I didn’t even bother setting a timer on running this script, because my Total column populated almost instantly. It was easily under 1 second, and it was probably under half a second. This process using AutoFill was much more efficient than looping through each row.

That’s it! While this example was just summing two columns, this same concept could be used for any number of operations or formulas where you need to populate a column.

I hope this helps you in your development of Office Scripts, and that it helped you realize new ways to automate your work.

Thanks for reading!



Kyle Gibson
Kyle Gibson

Written by Kyle Gibson

Christian, husband, father. Data Engineer at Chick-fil-A.

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