Count How Many Times a Value Appears in a Row Using Power Query

Kyle Gibson
8 min readMar 23, 2023



Consider the following sample data:

Sample data of coupons used

I want to populate a Total Coupons Used column with the count of TRUE values that appeared for that customer in the Used [item] Coupon columns. So CustomerID 1 should have a count of 1, CustomerID 4 should have a count of 3, CustomerID 6 should have a count of 0 — you get the idea.

Let’s see how to do this in Power Query.


We’re going to look at two solutions:

  • Solution 1 that uses minimal M formula language and is a more naive, “hacky” solution.
  • Solution 2 that uses more M formula language but is a cleaner, more elegant solution.

Solution 1: The naive or “hacky” way

Disclaimer: By describing this solution as naive or hacky, I don’t mean to imply that it can’t be used. The most important thing is for a solution to work.

Step 1: Get the data into Power Query

It should look something like this:

Sample coupon data in Power Query

Step 2: Make duplicates of the Used Coupon columns

Right-click each Used Coupon column, and select Duplicate Column:

Duplicate column option

After duplicating each column, the new columns should look like this:

All coupon columns duplicated

They can be renamed if you want, but it’s not that important as we will be removing them later.

Step 3: Replace the values in the duplicate columns

In order to sum the amount of coupons used, we need to replace TRUE values with 1, and FALSE values with 0.

Typically, we would do this by holding down CTRL or SHIFT, selecting all the duplicate columns, right-click, and choosing Replace Values:

Replace values option for columns

However, since the data type of these columns are logical, Power Query gives an error that doesn’t allow us to replace it with an integer:

Replace values editor with an error for data type

If you aren’t looking to count logical values but instead some other data type, then you might could use Replace Values. But for this example, it won’t work.

Instead of doing it that way, there’s an even easier way. Hold down CTRL or SHIFT, select all the duplicate columns, right-click, choose Change Type > Whole Number:

Change type to whole number

And just like that, we have 1s and 0s:

duplicate columns now with 1 and 0 values

Step 4: Add custom column to sum the duplicate columns

From the tool bar, choose Add Column > Custom Column. Then, enter in something like this to sum the duplicate columns:

Custom column editor to sum the duplicate columns

Click OK.

Our Total Coupons Used column is now populated:

New column of Total Coupons Used

Step 5: Remove the duplicate columns

The duplicate columns were just helper columns that we no longer need. Hold down CTRL or SHIFT, select all the duplicate columns, right-click, choose Remove Columns:

remove columns option for duplicate columns

That’s it! We now have the count of coupons used:

final result with the custom count column added

Solution 2: The cleaner, more elegant way

For this solution, I’m going to show how to do it in this section, but I added a section after it to explain how the code works.

Step 1: Get the data into Power Query

It should look something like this:

Sample coupon data in Power Query

Step 2: Add custom column to sum the count of TRUE values

From the tool bar, choose Add Column > Custom Column. Then, this is the logic needed for the custom column:

"Used Hamburger Coupon",
"Used Chicken Tender Coupon",
"Used Fries Coupon",
"Used Drink Coupon"
each if _ = true then 1 else 0

It will look something like this in the Custom Column editor:

Custom Column Editor with full logic to calculate the sum

Click OK.

That’s it! We now have the count of coupons used:

Final table with count of coupons used

If you don’t want to see the explanation of this solution, then this is all you need. Thanks for reading!

If you want to see a breakdown of how it works, keep reading.

Solution 2 Explanation

Step 1: Select Fields

In the nested logic for the Total Coupons Used column in Solution 2, here is the first function being used:

"Used Hamburger Coupon",
"Used Chicken Tender Coupon",
"Used Fries Coupon",
"Used Drink Coupon"

For my understanding, I look at a Record as similar to a Row. I’m sure there’s a better technical explanation for it, but it’s how my brain interprets it.

For each row, we want to select the Used Coupon columns, and create a Record/Row just of those columns. That is why we pass the _ character, which can be considered like an iterator for each row of the table.

Let’s create a custom column using this logic and see what happens:

Selecting the couple fields in custom column editor

Click OK.

We now have a column where every row is a record.

column with Record Values

If we select one of the rows in this column, we can see what the record looks like:

Sample record values

It works like expected. Each row is a record of the four columns we want to use in our solution.

Step 2: Get Field Values

In the nested logic for the Total Coupons Used column in Solution 2, here is the second function being used:

"Used Hamburger Coupon",
"Used Chicken Tender Coupon",
"Used Fries Coupon",
"Used Drink Coupon"

This step is getting the values from the record that we created in Step 1. Let’s create a custom column using this logic and see what happens:

Custom column editor to get record field values

We are referencing the column created in the previous step since we created our record there.

Click OK.

We now have a column where every row is a list:

Column with lists for every row

If we select one of the rows in this column, we can see what the list looks like:

sample values in the list

It works like expected. We have a list of the values of the four columns we want to use in our solution.

Step 3: Transform values in the list

In the nested logic for the Total Coupons Used column in Solution 2, here is the third function being used:

"Used Hamburger Coupon",
"Used Chicken Tender Coupon",
"Used Fries Coupon",
"Used Drink Coupon"
each if _ = true then 1 else 0

This step is changing the values in the list that we created in Step 2. We are using another _ character as an iterator to loop through each item in the list. The transformation logic is simple: if the value in the list is TRUE, change it to 1, and if the value in the list is FALSE, change it to 0. Let’s create a custom column using this logic and see what happens:

Custom column to transform logical values to 1 and 0

We are referencing the column created in the previous step since we created our list there.

Click OK.

We now have a column where every row is a list:

Column added where every row is a list

If we select one of the rows in this column, we can see what the list looks like:

Sample list now with 1 and 0 for values

It works like expected. As you can see, we now have a list of numbers instead of TRUE/FALSE values for the four columns we want to use in our solution.

Step 4: Sum the values in the list

In the nested logic for the Total Coupons Used column in Solution 2, here is the fourth (and final) function being used:

"Used Hamburger Coupon",
"Used Chicken Tender Coupon",
"Used Fries Coupon",
"Used Drink Coupon"
each if _ = true then 1 else 0

This step is summing the values from the list in the previous step. Let’s create a custom column using this logic and see what happens:

Custom column editor to sum the list

We are referencing the column created in the previous step since we created our list there.

Click OK.

We now have a column with the correct total of TRUE values:

List Sum column showing the count of true values

And that’s it! Now, you can look back at Solution 2 to see that all we did was combine all of this logic into one step for a clean, elegant solution to count all the TRUE values.

I’m sure there’s even more ways you could count the number of times a value appears in a row, but either of these examples should work for your solution.

Thanks for reading!



Kyle Gibson
Kyle Gibson

Written by Kyle Gibson

Christian, husband, father. Data Engineer at Chick-fil-A.

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